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Training with HSCP

Safeguarding Training

It is everyone’s responsibility to keep children safe.

Multi-agency training is a priority for the Safeguarding Partners. It helps to ensure that practitioners and their managers are equipped with the right knowledge and experience to carry out their duties and responsibilities.

Currently HSCP is unable to offer its introductory E-Learning  safeguarding training but does offer a multi-agency training programme.

Here you will find the upcoming safeguarding children training sessions offered free of charge by the London Safeguarding Children Partnership  London Safeguarding Children Partnership Training

The HSCP Pathway should assist you in identifying the appropriate level of child protection training for your role here.

In Harrow, the Partnership provides HSCP Introduction and HSCP Advanced training for Safeguarding Leads to attend. Once this training has been undertaken Safeguarding Leads can keep up to date through a range of safeguarding training and learning events.

We do not require Safeguarding Leads to repeat the HSCP Introduction and HSCP Advanced courses unless they have been out of this role or have become out of touch.

The additional training/learning events are provided to help those in key safeguarding roles across the Partnership keep up to date and refresh their knowledge of safeguarding practice and developments, the services available and learning from audits and reviews.  This was agreed by the Partnership as being a more relevant and effective way of equip staff to undertake their roles and keep them up to date and provides more in-depth information and guidance.

The voluntary sector also provides safeguarding training and for further information contact Voluntary Action Harrow.

Please note that any training undertaken via the HSCP must  be booked with the agreement of your line manager.

HSCP Multi Agency Training Programme 2024

The HSCB classroom/virtual training programme is for practitioners and volunteers who work predominately with, or who are in regular contact with, children and young people.

For further details and booking HSCB training please follow the link: Support Services 4 Education

How to apply for a course

Please visit our dedicated CPD platform (Support Services for Education Harrow).

You will require an account to access the training and to book courses.

When completing the new user account online form, please ensure you enter the name of your organisation and service area you work for.

Once you have requested an account, you will be emailed a username and password together with a guide on how to log in and book training.

If you require any further information, assistance, or help with booking / purchasing please contact

Useful information related to HSCP trainingpicture2

Multi-agency safeguarding training is free to organisations that financially contribute to the work of the Board and to voluntary, faith, community and residents organisations and groups who are not in receipt of a training grant or have a limited training budget, subject to negotiation with the Board Manager. Organisations who do not contribute to the HSCP budget will be expected to pay to attend HSCP Introduction and HSCP Advanced training . There is a charge for profit making organisations, agencies in receipt of a training grant, and schools and colleges in Harrow.

There is no charge to attend HSCP Learning Events. Information sessions and dissemination of Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (CSPR) and Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR) are free.

Course Fee Structure (see link)

HSCP Training pricing and cancellation policy

Course places are in high demand, so if you are unable to attend it is vital that you or your manager contact the HSCP Administrator.

Individuals, agencies or organisations who do not adhere to HSCPs Pricing and Cancellation Charge Policy may be excluded from future courses at the discretion of HSCP.

If you have any comments, questions or queries about the work of the HSCP Learning and Development Team, the Training programme or individual courses, do not hesitate to contact us via email

Further Training Opportunities.

Harrow Safeguarding Partnership Annual Conference 2021 Contextual Safeguarding and County Lines