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Welcome to the website for Harrows Strategic Safeguarding Partnership and its Safeguarding Children Board.

Harrow Safeguarding Children Board



The Children and Social Work Act 2017  led  to changes in the way that partners act together to promote child welfare and protect them from harm. This new legal requirement has given us the opportunity to review some of our ways of working while building on the strengths that already exist.

We are taking a Think Whole Family approach to safeguarding and our plan (Harrow Safeguarding Children Arrangements Feb 2022) describes how the arrangements for children and young people will be coordinated with those that are established to protect people with support and care needs in Harrow.

Harrow Strategic Safeguarding Partnership (HSSP) has been set up to identify and support through agreed resourcing, the priorities for both Harrow Safeguarding Children Board (HSCB) and Harrow Safeguarding Adults Board (HSAB).

Our joined up approach aims to ensure that:

  • Those working with children are alert and respond to the safeguarding and welfare needs of vulnerable adults associated with the same family (for further information see the HSABs website (Harrow’s safeguarding adults board (HSAB) “Staying safe” Harrow Council)
  • Those working with people with care and support needs are alert and respond to the safeguarding and welfare needs of children associated with the same family.
  • The transition of children with identified needs into adulthood is better coordinated. Our approach also embraces Contextual Safeguarding which means that both strategically and operationally we are committed to identifying and responding collaboratively to risks faced by individuals and their families outside of the home environment e.g. criminal and sexual exploitation.

GPDR Guidance from the London Child Protection Procedures Editorial Board available here.

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March 23, 2023

March 22, 2023


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