Early Support
Research shows that prevention, early support and joint working with multi-agency partners can significantly reduce the need for statutory intervention later on in childrens lives and can significantly reduce harm to children.
Early Support delivers services and activities for parents, carers, pregnant women and young people aged 0-19 (or up to 25 with Special Educational Needs/disability).
It is a non-statutory service area that supports children, young people and families to improve their outcomes and reach their goals and aspirations. It does this through positive engagements, sustaining their power, finding out more about the strengths they have, exploring with them their needs and helping them to identify the things that they would want to change in order to be the person and/ parent they want to be.
Early Support Hubs
Early Support Hubs are community based sites which incorporate the 9 Childrens Centre sites and 3 Youth Centres. These Hubs are the point of contact for Early Support. They provide information, advice and guidance, and access to Early Support evidence-based provision delivered by the councils skilled staff and partner agencies.
For further information see here.
To contact any of the Early Support Hubs see here.
For access to Planned Support for Professionals/Self Referrers, see Early Support Needs Analysis.