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Whilst the majority of young people in Harrow lead positive lives, a small number of young people become involved in gangs and serious youth violence.

Know the signs

There are signs you can watch out for that might mean your child is involved in a gang or violence. But be aware that almost all of them are normal teenage behaviours and may not indicate gang involvement at all. However, where many of these signs are present you should take action. Girls can also be involved as gang members, or through a close connection.

What to do if you think your child is involved in a gang

Your child may be scared or unwilling to talk about it. It is important that they know you want to listen and support them. Its also important to be clear that your child has a choice, even when they think they may not.


If you are concerned about anti social behaviour in your area

Police non emergency
Call: 101

If you are concerned about your childs involvement in gangs and violence

Call: 0808 800 2222
Visit: Family Lives

Call: 0800 1111
Visit: Childline

Gangs Line
Call: 0800 032 9538
Visit: Gangsline
Harrow Council Access Team
Call: 020 8901 2690

NSPCC gangs helpline: protecting young people involved with gangs.

Summary: Short animation (2 minutes 14 seconds), looking at the NSPCC gangs helpline and exploring some of the issues affecting young people involved in gangs. Includes recordings from interviews with families affected by gang involvement. Developed in partnership with the Home Office.