Drug and Alcohol Misuse
The adult substance misuse service is delivered by Westminster Drug Project (WDP). They provide a service to Harrow residents, aged 18 or over, and their families and carers. The service is focused on recovery.
Delivered by:
Westminster Drug Project (WDP)
The services available include:
- Drug and alcohol testing services for women, families and carers, Hidden Harm
- Aftercare skills for life – providing education, training and employment
- Prescribing medicine to assist recovery
- Dual diagnosis counselling and consumption service – supervised by a pharmacy
- Criminal justice and psychosocial interventions – hospital liaison service
You can talk with one of the duty team practitioners by visiting WDP in person or contacting them by telephone.
Addendum to WDP Safeguarding Handbook
Westminster Drug Project
44 Bessborough Road, Harrow, HA1 3DJ
Tel: 0300 303 2868
Email: harrow@wdp.org.uk
*Please be advised that this email address should not be used to send confidential information. Contact your local service to find out how to make a referral.
Many young people will at some time experiment with drugs and / or alcohol and experience no long term problems. However there are situations when inappropriate drug or alcohol use can be a symptom or a cause of a problematic life style which puts a young person in a very risky situation. This risk is exacerbated if the young person is already considered vulnerable:
- young offenders,
- excluded from school
- frequent truants
- known to children and family services
- Parental Use or Hidden Harm
Delivered by Compass
The Service provides specialist and targeted intervention for young people who are affected by their own or another’s substance misuse. The service operates on an outreach basis from an administrative base. For further information about their services please see this pamphlet and advert.
Referrals can be self-referral or via family or professional such as a G.P, social worker or school nurse. If you would like to contact Compass for a chat or to make an appointment please contact:
The Twenty One Building
21 Pinner Road
Telephone: 020 8861 2787 / 07860 438 496 (admin) / 07860 438 473
Are you worried about drugs or substance misuse for yourself or a friend?
Not all drugs are addictive, but some drug users do develop dependence. People who are dealing with addiction usually:
- Feel the need for the drug regularly.
- Have a constant supply of it.
- Have failed to stop using.
- Will do things they normally wouldn’t do (such as stealing).
Sometimes people who have a problem don’t think they have or refuse to believe that they are addicted or dependent. So if you think your friend has a problem and you want to help them, think about how you’re going to approach it and what you’re going to say. It could be a sensitive subject for them and you don’t what to looking like you’re nagging them. They may not listen to you at first but don’t let this put you off. The best thing that you can do is to be there for them, to support and encourage them to change.
A good thing to do is keep your friend away from situations or places which might entice them – like say the pub or a mate’s house. Rather, show them some other things to do to keep themselves busy.
With the proper help and support, many drug users are able to overcome their drug use before any serious harm has been done to them, or their family and friends. Other drug users have to hit rock bottom before they can see the harm and damage they are doing and start addressing their drug use.
There are a number of ways to get the information you need to help your friend. You may want to know more about the drug by exploring our A-Z of drugs, read about treatment or to find out what services are available to you locally. And of course, you or your friend can call FRANK anytime on 0300 123 6600 for confidential advice.