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Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector Partners

Harrow SCB Green Book (Harrow Safeguarding Children Guidance)

This Guidance is recommended for use by all organisations and groups in the voluntary and community sector (VCS) providing information, advice and/or support to children, young people and/or families, whether or not they are registered as a charity with the Charity Commission.

It applies to all VCS staff and volunteers, including trustees, committee members, senior management, religious leaders, students on work placements and sessional workers.

The Guidance contains a model policy statement and a policy and procedure document, which can be adopted by organisations that work with children, young people and/or families, which is available in an amendable format Voluntary Action Harrow – The Green Book 2020 model policy

The Safeguarding Outreach Team for the Local Safeguarding Children Board, provide the following services to the community, voluntary, faith and private sector:

  • Certified Level 2 working Together to Safeguard Children and Young people training.
  • Certified Level 3 Nominated Safeguarding Person(NSP) often known as designated officer training.
  • Referrals to the Level 4 Allegation Against Person training
  • Quarterly Children & Young Peoples Forum.
  • One to one support with policy procedure & guidance
  • Quarterly safeguarding newsletter
  • In House training for organisations with 12 or more staff or volunteers.

If you would like more information or would like to access one of the above services please call or email the Outreach Team on the following details:

Safeguarding Outreach Team and CSE Champions

Voluntary Action Harrow Co-op

Asia Chetouani

Sue Bush         

Telephone: 020 8861 5894

Useful resources and a safeguarding self assessment tool for voluntary and other organisations working with children and young people are available at NSPCC Safeguarding Tool.

If you need further local advice please contact HSCB at or Voluntary Action Harrow Co-Op using the contact details above.

HOPE (Harrow) is a local charity providing support to parents and carers through one to one parent mentoring, courses and workshops.  All of our services are designed to support and encourage families to feel valued and build upon existing skills to improve communication, develop self-esteem and to reduce tension with the aim of enhancing the general well-being of the family. Our Facilitators and Mentors are all accredited and offer a supportive, non-judgmental and confidential service. Parent mentoring is available in a range of local languages. If you are interested in any of the services that HOPE offers please contact us on:  0208 863 7319  or

For further information:

Hope Services for Parents

Hope Parenting Course