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Concerned about gangs

Exit Path Gang Prevention & Support Programme

What is it about: The Exit Path Gang Prevention and Support Programme offers targeted young people the opportunity to attend 1:1 gang prevention sessions which seeks to inform them, challenge them and have a positive impact on their outlook, attitude and behaviour. The programme is underpinned by three broad themes to explore, to educate and to encourage commitments to long-term positive change.

Target group: Young people aged 13 to 19 at risk of involvement in anti-social behaviour, criminality and gangs.

Delivery arrangements: 1:1 gang prevention sessions take place Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at appropriate identified venues.

  • 1:1 gang prevention sessions consist of 8 to 10 week themed sessions. The content, duration and intensity of these sessions vary depending on the need, risk and vulnerability of the young person being referred. 1:1 prevention sessions is preventative in nature aimed at those on the periphery of criminality and gang involvement.

Referral Process: Access to the programme is via referrals to Harrow Mash Team or Prevent and Gangs Co-ordinator in Early Intervention Service (EIS).

Email Ahmed Abdi for more information:

NSPCC gangs helpline: protecting young people involved with gangs.

Summary: Short animation (2 minutes 14 seconds), looking at the NSPCC gangs helpline and exploring some of the issues affecting young people involved in gangs. Includes recordings from interviews with families affected by gang involvement. Developed in partnership with the Home Office.

This report looks at the progress that has been made in trying to stop child sexual exploitation in England since our Inquiry in 2011-2013



Enthusiasm, Derby

The following short film shows young men and their youth worker engaged in the Enthusiasm project, an initiative for young people in gang-associated areas.

It presents their ideas for supporting other young men to leave gangs.