General referral form for practitioners
Always call 999 in an emergency
To discuss concerns or make a referral contact the Children’s Access Team:
Golden Number: 020 8901 2690 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday
Emergency Duty Team (operates out of hours): 020 8424 0999 between 5pm and 9am, Monday to Friday, 24 hours during weekends and all bank holidays
The MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) Referral Form is for all practitioners (e.g. health, education, early support, housing, private and voluntary sector) who need to raise a request or a concern about a Harrow child in need or a child likely to or currently suffering significant harm. The MASH will review the information on the referral form and where necessary contact the referrer to ascertain further information. The MASH will confirm receipt of the referral and then provide feedback on the decision about the referral. It is important that as much information as possible is provided in the first instance on the form and that a copy is stored securely for future reference by the referrer and their organisation. Any child protection leads within the organisation making the referral should be made aware of the referral before it is sent to the MASH; however, sending the form should not be delayed if the child protection lead is not available.
If the child is in immediate danger call the Police, 999. Complete and send the MASH referral form after the childs immediate safety has been addressed. The Police in these circumstances will also notify the MASH; but your information about the child will be vital in regards to further work.